Everyone Can Be a Scientist
Excitement, enthusiasm, and curiosity for the wonders of science are in full bloom in our state-of-the-art Science Center and the ecologically diverse gardens throughout our campus.
Laurence's science program is designed to cater to the multiple interests and aptitudes of our students. Every learning style is nurtured as our science specialists use: visual aids, such as United Streaming Video and SMART Board integration; tactile experiences; cooperative, small group work; individual exploration; and hands-on projects.
Technology in the Lab
With a variety of technological tools and programs – such as iPads, computers, and interactive whiteboards – our teachers can show presentations, discuss ideas with real-world scientists via Skype, access the limitless resources of the Internet, and pepper their inquiry-based science lessons with the latest applications.
Collaboration & Engagement
Working collaboratively, students learn to conduct hands-on experiments that are grounded in the scientific method. They formulate hypotheses, experiment, and draw conclusions based on evidence. The fully-equipped Science Center provides opportunities for all students to engage in natural discovery. What’s more, a wide variety of animals, including reptiles, fish, amphibians, butterflies, ants, lizards, and chicks, call the Science Center home.
Click here to learn about our science curriculum in each grade.
"We are always trying to make science more relevant to our students. We want them to understand how technology helps us in day-to-day ways and how they can use science to create solutions." Amy Ward, Science Specialist