
1st Grade Students learning how circuits work.

Beginning in Kindergarten, we provide a supportive environment for students to learn and create through the use of iPads, laptops, various coding and digital storytelling apps, Lego EV3s, Finch Robots, Hummingbird and Micro:bit Arduinos, as well as engineering tools like Strawbees, 3D printers, and our Glowforge laser cutter.

We set a strong pace of learning, supporting students to be future thinkers and tinkerers. We facilitate a collaborative atmosphere where students learn how to work independently and as a part of a team, develop a passion for technology, computational thinking, the design process, and the joy of discovery. These skills are also integrated into the classroom so that students can express themselves creatively and show what they know using a combination of modalities.

What is Computational Thinking?

Computational thinking has its roots in computer science and is now considered an important problem solving skill that can be used across all subject matters and disciplines, for example, social studies, humanities, science, and math. A coding project that is introduced in the classroom is actually teaching even our youngest students how to effectively approach a question and find solutions, no matter how complex it may seem at first. Computational thinking supports creative thinking, flexibility, and problem solving, and is an excellent representation of our Character Education Program's theme, “Solve and Evolve.”

Computational thinking teaches students how to:

  • Observe trends in a set of data and how these patterns are being generated
  • Solve complex problems by breaking them down into bite sized, manageable chunks
  • Test and iterate upon ideas
  • Merge math, engineering, and art together in order to solve real-world problems
  • Develop a growth mindset and grit by learning that everything is a work in progress

K - 6th Technology - Example Curriculum