SchoolPass Tutorials

We will be using the SchoolPass app/website for parents to complete their student’s daily Wellness Questionnaire, communicate carpool/bus changes, and report absences and late arrivals/early dismissals.  

We strongly recommend downloading the SchoolPass Parent & Student app to your cell phone, which is available for both iPhone and Android (School Code: 4111). 

Please see below for step-by-step instructions for using SchoolPass.


Student Wellness Check

You will be required to fill out a daily Wellness Questionnaire for each of your Laurence students, only when they are coming to campus.  This should be completed before you leave the house.

Please note that you should ONLY fill out Wellness on days your student is scheduled to be on campus.

  1. When you enter the app (under the “today” tab), you will see all of your Laurence students listed, with a color-coded symbol next to their Wellness status. 
  2. Click on your child’s Wellness status, and you will be taken through a series of 5 questions. (Please note that if you choose to complete the Wellness Check through the website, all questions will appear on one screen.)

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

*Question 5

*Please note that you do not need to provide a response to this question if your final answer is “no”.

Once the questionnaire has been completed, the Wellness Check button will either turn green or red. If green, please proceed to campus. If red, your child must remain at home and a member of our office staff will follow up with you.

When you arrive at school, you will be asked to show successful completion of the Wellness Check before your child’s temperature is taken.  Note: No personal health information will be shared when you show completion of the Wellness Check from the SchoolPass app.  

If you are carpooling with children outside of your family, be sure that all families have inputted a Move to Carpool change in SchoolPass for the Arrival carpool.  This will enable the Wellness Status for all students in the car to display on the driver's app.  If the questionnaire has NOT been completed for any student in the car, all students will need to remain in the car until the Wellness Questionnaire has been filled out and passed by all Laurence passengers.


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Reporting an Absence


When your child(ren) will not be attending school (whether in-person OR virtually):

1. Click on the “+” on the bottom navigation bar to access the Add Changes menu.

Click on the Absent button.

2. Select the day(s) on the calendar that your child(ren) will be absent.

Click on Choose date.

3. If you have one Laurence student: Type any additional notes and hit Submit.

If you have multiple Laurence students, click on the “∨” to view all students. 

4. Additionally, for families with multiple students: Select each student you are reporting an absence for (green arrow will appear). 

Click on Choose Students, then add any notes, and click on Submit.    


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Reporting a Late Arrival

When your child(ren) will be coming to school late (whether in-person OR virtually):

1. Click on the “+” on the bottom navigation bar to access the Add Changes menu.

Click on the Late Arrival button.

2. Select the day(s) on the calendar that your child(ren) will be late. 

Click on Choose date.

3. Click on Drop Off Time and scroll down and click on the time your child will be arriving. Times are listed in 15-minute intervals.

If you have one Laurence student, type any additional notes and hit Submit.

4. For families with multiple students: Select each student you are reporting a late arrival for (green arrow will appear).

Click on Choose Students, then add any notes, and hit Submit.


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Reporting an Early Pickup

When your child(ren) will be leaving school early, whether in-person or virtually:

1. Click on the “+” on the bottom navigation bar to access the Add Changes menu.

Click on the Early Pickup button.

2. Select the day(s) on the calendar that your child(ren) will be leaving early.

Click on Choose date.

3. Click on Pick Up Time and scroll down and click on the time your child will be leaving. Times are listed in 15-minute intervals.

If your child will be returning to school that same day, move the slider to the right.

If you have one Laurence student, type any additional notes and hit Submit.

4. For families with multiple students: Select each student you are reporting an early dismissal for (green arrow will appear).

Click on Choose Students, then add any notes, and hit Submit.


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Moving to Another Carpool

The arrival and dismissal defaults for all students will be set to their own family’s carpool. If your child is arriving or leaving with another Laurence student/parent, you will need to move your child over to another carpool. 

1. Click on the “+” on the bottom navigation bar to access the Add Changes menu.

Click on the Carpool button.

2. Select the day(s) on the calendar that your child(ren) will be arriving or leaving with another Laurence family.

(Note: if this is an ongoing carpool, switch the view to Recurring)

Click on Choose date.

3. Click Select Carpool

4. In the “Choose Carpool” menu, type in the last name of the student or parent your child will be leaving with.

Click on the correct name to select the carpool.

5. Click on Type to indicate whether this move is for Arrival or Dismissal carpool.


6. If you have one Laurence student, type any additional notes and hit Submit.

7. If you have more than one Laurence student, click on the “∨” to view all students.

Select each student you are moving to this carpool (green arrow will appear).

Click on Choose Students, then add any notes, and click on Submit.


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Adding/Deleting Authorized Drivers

If anyone other than a child’s parent/legal guardian is going to pick them up at school, that information needs to be entered in SchoolPass.

IMPORTANT- If another Laurence parent will be picking up your child(ren), please DO NOT enter them as a driver on your account. (Use the Moving to Another Carpool procedure instead.)

Note: Only one parent has access to the Add Driver button. If you log in and don’t have access on your account, you can ask the other parent/guardian on your account to add this information, or you can email and we will happily add the driver in for you manually.

To add non-Laurence parent drivers (i.e. nanny, babysitter, grandparent, etc.) to your account:

1. Click on Drivers on the bottom right hand side of the SchoolPass app.

2. All drivers included on your account will display.

To add a new driver, click the blue Add Driver button.

3. Fill in all required contact fields (*) and click Add Driver.

Important: DO NOT enter an email address for a driver, unless you want this person to have access to submit the Wellness Check for your child(ren).

a) In order to log into SchoolPass, the driver would need to follow the reset password instructions.

b ) If you enter the email address for a driver and move the slider to Opt-In for email, this driver will receive an email notification any time a change is made to your child(ren)’s SchoolPass account.

4. Added drivers will now show on your driver screen.


To delete non-Laurence parent drivers on your account:

1. Click on Drivers on the bottom right hand side of the SchoolPass app.

2. Click on the name of the driver you wish to delete.

3. Click on the red Delete Driver button.

4. Click the red Yes button to confirm you want this driver deleted from your account.


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Adding your Child to an Activity

The arrival and dismissal defaults for all students will be set to their own family’s carpool. If your child will be joining an activity such as (1) Homework Club, (2) Sports Practice, (3) Learning Labs (math or language arts), or (4) After School Play, please indicate this through SchoolPass to ensure that your child is directed to the right place upon dismissal. 

NOTE: If you have enrolled your child into an after school enrichment class, the school will automatically add your child to those classes within SchoolPass. 

1. Click on the “+” on the bottom navigation bar to access the Add Changes menu.

Click on the Activity button.

2. Click "Choose Activity" and select the activity your child will be attending, then press "Continue".

3. Select the day(s) on the calendar that your child(ren) will be joining the activity.

(Note: if your child will be joining the activity on a weekly basis, switch the view to Recurring)

Click on Choose date.


NOTE: If your student is joining various activities per week and/or you have multiple students at Laurence joining activities, you will need to repeat steps 2 and 3 for each activity/student. 


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Checking Your Child's Calendar (after school classes, After School Play, sports, and Learning Labs)

If you enrolled your child into an After School Enrichment class or Sports team, the school will automatically add those classes to their schedule in SchoolPass. For other options, such as After School Play, Homework Club, and Learning Labs, you must sign your child up yourself, by moving your child into the activity. It can be easy to lose track of schedules! Thankfully, there's an easy way to double check where your child is going after school:

1. Click on “Calendar” on the bottom navigation bar

2. You should now see your child(ren)'s name(s) and the weeks of the calendar below.

If you select the week, the activities/dismissal location will display for that time period.

If you have multiple children, please be sure to select each child's name and the week to see what they're enrolled in.

3. You may notice that you child is enrolled in two (or more) after school activities. This could be purposeful because you want your child to go to an After School Class and then go to After School Play/ride the late bus once the class is over. Or, it could be an error. 

If you notice that your child is enrolled in two after school activities, please email to double check if this is an error.

Please do not delete any activities without checking with the office first!



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Accessing SchoolPass via the Website instead of the App

If you would prefer to use the SchoolPass website instead of the app, all of the features can be accessed from your home page once you log in:


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