Apply for Financial Assistance


Laurence School provides full and partial tuition assistance on a limited basis. Two different sets of forms that must be completed and submitted on or before February 10, 2025.

  1. Confidential Financial Aid Application - This is the school's internal form, referred to as the "CFAA" throughout the instructions, which must be completed per the instructions below and postmarked or delivered to Laurence's Business Office.
  2. FAST Application - This is the online form of an independent financial assistance evaluator from which the school seeks financial assistance guidance. FAST Applications must be submitted online via FAST's website (a link is provided below).


Laurence School's Financial Assistance Committee reviews all applications and makes all award decisions. All members of the Committee are cognizant of the sensitive nature of the information submitted as part of this application process and maintain strict confidentiality in its deliberations. Award decisions will be mailed out in March of 2025.

How to Apply


This information is updated annually on December 1.